Purple Corn Extract 50 ml
    Purple Corn Extract 50 ml

    Purple Corn Extract 50 ml

    Purple corn supports normal heart function. Not suitable for people with low blood pressure!

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    Purple Corn Extract 50 ml

    Purple Corn Extract 50 ml



    Ingredients: purple corn (Maiz Morado), purified water, glycrol, potassium sorbate, citric acid, alcohol-free

    Dosage: 5-7 drops 2-3 times a day, do not exceed daily dosage. Shake before use.

    Recommended maximum daily dose contains 760 mg of extract. 200g of dried herbal matter was used for 1kg of solution.

    Purple maize (Zea Mays) has the following health claims allowed:

    Normal heart function

    Normal digestion

    Normal urinary tract function


    Not suitable for persons with low blood pressure!

    Suitable combination:

    Can be taken with the herbal blend Peruvian Lovage, with permitted health claims for Chestnut:

    Normal function of the vascular system

    Heavy legs

    Normal function of the circulatory system

    Dietary supplement


    Made in the Czech Republic

    Country of origin.

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    50 ml
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    We rightly call the Amazon rainforest the largest pharmacy in the world. For over 20 years I have been studying the fascinating world of tropical plants that have enormous healing potential.

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    Petr Chobot

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